F3C competition in Belgium
First place goes to Germany
The next episode of F3C competitions series in Europe was at the Little Wings airfield in Haaltert, Belgium on 11-12th of May. German and British pilots dominated the top places, the hosts could finish the competition at the 10th place.
F3C is less popular class of RC helicopter flying compared to F3N or 3D, but this form of RC helicopter flying is about the knowledge and abilities. Rules are stricter, quality of the manoeuvres is much more important, than in 3D, but the freedom of creativity is lower. F3C is not about smacking indeed, this is the conventional model helicopter flying, so it deserves the same interest as the popular 3D.
The weather wasn't that nice as it should be in May, but this is true everywhere in Europe apparently. However no reason to complain, at least all rounds went down with no serious problems. There were 17 pilots competing from 8 countries.
Stefan Wachsmuth won the competition with 1970.58 points. Second is Steve Roberts from the United Kingdom with 1962.46 and the third is Eric Weber from Germany with 1894.19 points. Then Mark Christy from the United Kingdom, Ronald Van Lent from the Netherlands and Denis Leboullenge from France followed them in order. The United Kingdom was the most represented country with 5 pilots.
Results in order
1Stefan WachsmuthGermany
2Steve RobertsUnited Kingdom
3Eric WeberGermany
4Mark ChristyUnited Kingdom
5Ronald Van LentNetherlands
6Denis LeboullengerFrance
7Ian EmeryUnited Kingdom
8Stefan BurndorferAustria
9Stephan WieseDenmark
10Christophe DepruyckBelgium
Not among the finalists
11Roger MayoUnited Kingdom
12Jos kenensBelgium
13Guy VanderscheldenBelgium
14Rob EikeboomNetherlands
15Gerald ZuidemaNetherlands
16Hanspeter NiederbergerSwitzerland
17Bruce NaylorUnited Kingdom
Thanks to Stephan Wiese for his help in writing this article.