Bert Kammerer
Found Pages

  • Scam Alert.jpg

    Scammers try to fool Goblin users

    Bert Kammerer warns of scam. A website looking legitimate offers spare parts and even SAB Goblin kits on prices which look very nice, but Bert Kammerer warns everybody not to fall in this trap. /
    27 March 2023
  • Scott Graham BK Hobbies crp.jpg

    Scott Graham at the BK HobbiesMr Graham to be the flight team manager

    Scott Graham is well known member of the global, especially the North American RC helicopter community. And now he joins the company ran by Bert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy, the BK Hobbies. /
    14 April 2021
  • BK 9001 HV.jpg

    New servos at BK Servo soonBrand new series just announced

    Bert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy just announced and demonstrated the new BK 9001/9005 HV brushless servos. The servos are not available yet, not even the datasheet is published yet, but they were seen in action just now. /
    09 April 2021
  • SAB Goblin Raw 001.jpg

    SAB Goblin Raw unveiledTo be released in January

    The newest Goblin has arrived: The SAB unveiled it in detail yesterday. The new SAB Goblin Raw is the lightest Goblin ever made as the company promises. The brand new concept is designed around pure performance. /
    24 December 2020
  • Bert Kammerer IRCHA 2019 Drake.jpg

    Bert Kammerer at IRCHA 2019Flying an SAB Goblin Drake

    Bert Kammerer is flying with an SAB Goblin Drake at the IRCHA 2019 in this video. Bert is demonstrating what the experience means: super accurate, precise manoeuvres, well balanced flight in order to the variability. Bert likes excusing himself referring to his age and so on, but need to excuse. The IRCHA 2019 wasn't yesterday, but the video got uploaded by Bill Ann just on Tuesday. /
    27 November 2019
  • Bert Kammerer Kyle Stacy XNova Team managers.jpg

    Kammerer and Stacy to be Xnovamotors Team managersBert and Kyle to lead the Xnova team in the United States

    Just announced on Facebook: Bert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy have got the honourable team manager titles in the United States. As they are good ambassadors of XNova for very long time, this decision is not questionable at all. /
    19 October 2019
  • BK Podxast Episode 49.jpg

    BK Podcast is backAfter 2 month pause Episode 49 published

    BK Podcast returned to us finally, Bert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy have recorded the most recent episode and it is out now. They talked about the reasons of this long break among many other interesting topics. /
    02 October 2019
  • Goblin Kraken.JPG

    SAB Goblin KrakenOfficial video from SAB Heli Division

    A really spectacular video from SAB Heli Division, the official Goblin Kraken video with Kyle Stacy, Eric Weber, Bert Kammerer, Tareq Alsaadi, Dunkan Bossion. Like a movie trailer. Volume up and watch it. /
    14 May 2019
  • SAB Goblin Kraken

    The SAB Goblin Kraken storyFirst owners receive their helis

    And finally: SAB Goblin Kraken is now released officially. The most anticipated helicopter is now ready to go to the new owners. The "launching SAB Goblin Kraken" story got to its end. /
    09 May 2019
  • SAB Goblin Kraken

    SAB Goblin KrakenUPDATED: Two weeks to go

    Only one week was left, but SAB Heli Division has changed the original delivery date from 2nd of May to 9th of May. That day SAB Heli Division begins to dispatch the first batch of SAB Goblin Kraken helicopters. 9th of May is the day, when the helicopter is out. Demand is high but still not too late to order your one. /
    25 April 2019
  • bert kammerer kraken.JPG

    Finally: Bert Kammerer is flying KrakenA quick intro, then a perfect flight

    And here's the time to see Bert flying with his Goblin Kraken finally. Bert is introducing his heli and the config first, then he is presenting the Kraken in action. Volume up, then watch it. /
    22 April 2019
  • kyle stacy heli case.jpg

    BKPodcast #36: Events and your heliA little bit late - but everything about event preparation

    As it is known, Kyle had to skip Thailand Heli Blowout. Based on his experience recently and many years of knowledge Bert and Kyle has created a podcast about events, how to prepare, how to behave what to expect there. Very useful and funny podcast as always. /
    04 April 2019
  • 56349247_1093764654128617_6437793902371012608_n.jpg

    TORCHS Spring BashFlorida, United States
    6 April 2019

    With recommendation of Kyle Stacy and Bert Kammerer - THIS WEEKEND! Going to be an amazing time, if you are in the area, or even if you're have to come out to the Spring Bash. It will be the first USA event that the Kraken is shown at! /
    04 April 2019
  • bkpodcast of kraken.png

    BKPODCAST #35: Rotor Live and Goblin KrakenBert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy speak about them

    Episode 35 of BKPodcast is now available. Bert and Kyle were speaking about Rotor Live feedbacks, new products and of course the SAB Goblin Kraken. Many useful unformation especially in the second half. But it worth to listen all. Why? Read it below.... /
    21 March 2019
  • Kyle Stacy Kraken.JPG

    Bert Kammerer & Kyle Stacy: Goblin KrakenLet's see how Kyle is testing the Kraken

    Yes, we know it is a bit boring now - another Kraken video. But, these guys deserve to show, how they are testing the new SAB helicopter, just simply because they put so much energy into the hobby. And honestly: Bert and Kyle never make boring videos. Watch it and give them a big like. /
    19 March 2019
  • bkservo_7003hv_kse.jpg

    BKServo Kyle Stacy edition about to releaseThis new servo arrives soon

    BKServo has published the final specification of the new 7003HV Kyle Stacy edition cyclic servo this afternoon. The standard size servo has many improvements, but most important is the thermal absorbtion promising longer life time. /
    21 September 2018
  • sabusa anniversary.PNG

    First Anniversary at SAB USAMoments video of the celebration

    As known SAB USA, a BK Company has celebrated its first anniversary last weekend. Here is their video with moments, emotions and good memories from the weekend with Bert Kammerer, Kyle Stacy and the SAB USA Team. If you didn't follow the two day long celebration, this is a good summary about that you missed. /
    12 July 2018

    Happy Birthday SAB USABK company celebrates the 1st anniversary

    We are busy with Global 3D but life is happening on the other side of the world as well. SAB USA is now celebrating the 1st anniversary in Florida! Happy birthday guys and #KeepRCHelisAlive /
    07 July 2018
  • 33963815_1973479102748289_7885482925217546240_n-300x234.jpg

    BK Podcast Episode 7.with Bert Kammerer, Kyle Stacy and Tareq Alsaadi

    Now it's published: a great interview podcast with Tareq. This podcast is long, 40 minutes, however interesting things were talked, like how Tareq has started everything. /
    05 July 2018
  • KeepRCHelisAlive.jpg

    #KeepRCHelisAlive - the movementHow to train your pilot

    Our hobby, second (or first) life is in trouble, it's no doubt. Fewer and fewer people join to this hobby. Drones, computer games, social media, changing lifestyle all can be blamed, but this is a more complicated problem by my opinion. Something has to be done and one thing is the #KeepRCHelisAlive hashtag and the ideology behind it.

    Szabó, Péter - pgpetike
    12 June 2018