rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
19 March 2022
  • April May
    28 1
    09:00 17:00 Thursday Sunday

Rebels Fun Fly 2022
Newcastle, Australia

Rebels Fun Fly is back. It will go ahead in 2022 finally. And this year the special guest is: Dunkan Bossion (SAB Heli Division). It's going to be a huge 4 day long event.

Rebels Fun Fly 2022 feat. Dunkan Bossion registration now available here:
Field location
Bing Map: { coordinates = -32.841807, 151.703850, pinTitle = Rebels Fun Fly 2022, pinSubTitle = , infoBoxTitle = Rebels Fun Fly 2022, infoBoxDescription = Kooragang New South Wales 2304, Australia, zoomLevel = }