rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
09 March 2020
  • May
    1 3
    10:00 17:00 Friday Sunday

CANCELLED: Rebels Fun Fly 2020
Newcastle, NSW, Australia

The famous Rebels Fun Fly this year again in Newcastle. And Current Global 3D World Champion and Mikado Pro Pilot Sakkarin 'CD' Kongthon is coming to Rebels Fun Fly 2020!

CANCELLED: Rebels Fun Fly 2020


The event is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Details at the Facebook page

Event location

Bing Map: { coordinates = -32.842118, 151.704439, pinTitle = Rebels Fun Fly, pinSubTitle = , infoBoxTitle = Rebels Fun Fly 2020, infoBoxDescription = Millams Rd, Kooragang, NSW 2304, Australia, zoomLevel = }