May3012:00 18:00 Saturday
Planet Fun Fly
Let the fun fly come to you
Amid the pandemic we have no fun fly on the ordinary way, let's make an extraordinary one. This is the Planet Fun Fly. Come and join us. We will have a great day.
The morning and evening sessions cancelled... Afternoon session extended.
We are planning to take it in place on 30th of May. And the location is everywhere. In your garden, at your usual place, in your living room or anywhere possible. Let's make an unforgettable fun fly together.
Because we cannot gather at a particular place in real life, we will gather online. Everybody can join to the fun fly who is still able to fly legally. And we put these flights into one live stream show, one after another one. You stream your flights in via your camera, with your phone, we provide the environment. And you don't have to be lonely, we will create virtual chat rooms, where you can talk to others. We would like to make this show as interactive as possible. All good ideas welcome.
The main concept is a very long live stream. You can live stream in to the show, and your flight, your place will be presented. Pre-registration is required.
Pilots so far
What you need
- A mobile phone (or any other device - like DJI drones) which is able to stream to a custom server on RTMP protocol. The tested solution is Broadcast Me (available on Android for free and on iPhone for €5).
- Also you need a Discord account and a Discord client to access our Discord server.
- Being able to fly legally, as we don't want you to risk anything. We expect pilots from countries, where the flying is still possible despite the lock downs.
- Test your streaming, make sure, you can stream to us from the place where you will be on the day of the fun fly.
- Register yourself - registration form
No registration or landing fee.
- 6-10AM (BST)
- 2-6PM (BST)
- 10PM-2AM (BST)
The live stream will be available on Youtube, Facebook and Twitch
Testing your streaming
Install the Broadcast ME app on your Android or iPhone mobile (Android version is free, iPhone seems to be free, but if you want to stream more than 30 secs, you will have to buy the full license for €5). Other RTMP streaming applications can also work, but we can fully support the Broadcast Me, we tested this one, in other cases there can be problems, which we don't know yet. But give it a go, if you have another one.
Test your streaming device: Start a stream to the following URL:
where <your.name> is in the following format: firstname.lastname
For example:
If the application you are using instead of Broadcast Me requires Stream Key separately, then cut the <your.name> bit from the URL, that will be the stream key. So in your case the stream URL is: rtmp://rchelicopter.hu:2121/testme/ and the Stream Key is <your.name>, as before like peter.szabo.
Now you can verify your stream. Just download a VLC Player, which is available on all platforms and almost all mobile devices, and open your network stream.
- Open your network stream
- Use the same URL where you are streaming. If you are using separate streaming key, then that will be the end bit of your stream URL
- If you see on VLC what you are streaming from your mobile phone, you are ready to go.
If you have any problems, just contact us on our Discord server.
More to come...
Facebook event page:
Boring - but it is required:
Term & Conditions for the registration
1. Pilots are asked to pre-regsiter for the fun fly. The registration can be withdrawn with no reason at any times.
2. Registration is free as well as the participation in the Live Stream.
3. Registered pilot gives a consent to rchelicopterhub.com to use, re-use, post-process, archive, own copyrights of the live streamed materials, recorded by him/her. Registered pilots will not be given any compensation, fee for the footage recorded
4. Registered pilots are responsible for their flights, the circumstances of the flights in order to legal requirements, safety awareness. RCHELICOPTERHUB.COM is responsible in no way for the flights and activities performed by the pilots.
5. RCHELICOPTERHUB.COM stores all registration form data until the end the event - except the photograph uploaded, which will be used for Planet Fun Fly related contents and advertisements. All other data (like phone numbers, e-mail addresses), will be irrecoverably destroyed shortly after the event with no exceptional consent given by the data owner. We do everything to keep your data safe, and we don't hand over anything without your expressed consent.