rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
21 June 2018
  • September
    21 23
    09:00 18:00 Friday Sunday

3D Championship
BMFA Buckminster

As every year, 3D Champinship will be held in September. But now the event is organised to the National Centre of BMFA instead of the previous location. Camping is possible from Thursday night to Sunday night. Also plenty of hotels located in the nearby.

3D Championship

There will be a traditional Set Manoeuvres tournament and Night Flight competition. Fun Fly also will be possible but it's will happen in concurency with the main contests. 

FPV Championship will be held as well on the scene with 3D Championship together. 

More details soon. But in the meantime you can download the Nigh Flight Guideline and the Set Manouevres specification here:

The whole list of the figures containing 68 Set Manouevres entries and 30 Grass Roots figures.
Everything about the night flights. It's not that long, only one page.

BMFA Buckminster location

Bing Map: { coordinates = 52.779205, -0.706621, pinTitle = BMFA, pinSubTitle = National Centre - Buckminster, infoBoxTitle = BMFA Buckminster, infoBoxDescription = Sewstern, NG33 5RW Grantham, zoomLevel = }

Further information about the event is on the www.3dchampionship.co.uk website