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New Egodrift motor for the Kraken 580The Tengu 4025/1190kV available from now on
The Egodrift Tengu 4025HT/1190kV has arrived. This motor is designed for the 6 cell requirements of SAB Goblin Kraken 580 primarily, and suits to all 550 size models with high kV demands. This motor comes with 6 × 32 mm motor shaft.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu08 July 2020 -
Egodrift Tengu motors for Kraken 580The company offers motors for all configurations
Egodrift just announced the product scale for the new SAB Goblin Kraken 580. The list was announced earlier officially, which provides a motor option for different configuration options within the newest Kraken model.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu09 June 2020 -
Egodrift Tengu motors for Mikado Logo 800 14STengu power on 14 cells... and one more thing
In keeping with the new LOGO 800 from Mikado, engine manufacturer EGODRIFT is introducing the Tengu 4530HT in the 380kV version, a new and powerful electric drive for 14S.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu04 April 2020 -
Egodrift Tengu motors for Henseleit helicoptersNew motor options designed for TDF and TDSF helicopters
Egodrift just announced the new motor options for Henseleit TDF and TDSF helicopters, which require special attention due to their design. These options will be available for the 3220, 4025 and 4035 motors.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu13 December 2019 -
Egodrift solutions for Synergy 516/516S New motor options released for compatibility
Egodrift just announced new motor options for the Tengu 4020HS and 4025HS motors for Synergy 516 and 516S helicopter models. The Tengu 4020HS/1190kV is for the 516 and the Tengu 4025HS/1220kV is recommended for Synergy 516S.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu01 October 2019 -
Premier: Egodrift Tengu 2520HS 1880kVWhen the box opens first time
This is the moment, when the brand new EGODRIFT Tengu 2520HS 1880kV motor is seen by camera first time in the world. Toncsi is the lucky one, who was opening the box. This motor is designed for 450 size helicopters and perhaps the best available in the market.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu18 June 2019 -
PREMIER: Egodrift Tengu 2520HS 1880kVThe best choice in 450 size
Egodrift presents: TENGU 2520HS motor for Align T-Rex 450 size helicopters. Most likely this is the best available in the size. And we were so lucky, we opened the first box in the world at Helifest.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu15 June 2019 -
AccuRC update released2.0.8 arrives to all AccuRC users
AccuRC has announced and released the new version of the professional RC simulator few hours earlier on Saturday. The new version has got some amazing features and it's available to all AccuRC users.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu04 May 2019 -
Egodrift Tengu motors around the worldMap shows where Tengu motors used
Egodrift is running an interesting project: they want to put all Tengu motors up on the map of the world. These markers are spreading across the planet now. They at the Egodrift would like to know, where their motors are working.
rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu09 April 2019