Scott Graham
Found Pages

  • Team announcements.jpg

    Team announcements

    As the season is about to start slowly and the Covid retreats finally, life goes back to sort of normal, teams announce their new joiners. Here are the most recent changes announced we are informed about. /
    23 March 2022
  • Scott Graham BK Hobbies crp.jpg

    Scott Graham at the BK HobbiesMr Graham to be the flight team manager

    Scott Graham is well known member of the global, especially the North American RC helicopter community. And now he joins the company ran by Bert Kammerer and Kyle Stacy, the BK Hobbies. /
    14 April 2021
  • H1253-K SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro Kit 001.jpg

    SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro Conversion KitH1253-K: The story of SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro

    As it is more or less known, SAB took the idea of Scott Graham, and the SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro turned into a real product. The conversion kit was announced under the H1253-K item number, and it has got the full support of SAB including the manufacturing and product support as well. /
    23 October 2019
  • SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro 005 Rob Bingham.jpg

    SAB Goblin Kraken NitroNever announced and exists

    Just popped up on different platforms: SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro - even so SAB never announced it. However the hobby exploded. Even the first videos are out. /
    27 September 2019