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SRCM Jetmodel Meetup 2023 - Photos
This was the SRCM Jetmodel Meetup in Győr, Hungary. We attended Day 2 as the RC heli team. These photos were taken by Miklós Horváth. / rchelicopter.hu05 June 2023 -
Andrei Tripolt at SRCM Jetmodel Meetup
This was a proper 3D smack flight by Andrei Tripolt at SRCM Jetmodel Meetup next to City of Győr, Hungary. Andrei amazed the crowd behind us. / rchelicopter.hu03 June 2023 -
SRCM EMH Fun FlyPhotos
The SRCM EMH Fun Fly was taken place on 1st May by SRCM and EMH SE in cooperation at the airfield next to Győr in Hungary. The weather was wonderful and the turnout was not negligible either. We selected few photos from the event here, / rchelicopter.hu02 May 2021 -
Video summary of SRCM HelidayA great Sunday with few pilots
This video was created to illustrate the feeling at SRCM Heliday in Hungary recently. Due to the COVID restrictions this unofficial event was not widely promoted, only few pilots came together to enjoy the first spring weather of the year near to city of Győr. / rchelicopter.hu27 February 2021 -
SRCM HelidayFly-in day in Hungary
Couple of pilots came together at the SRCM airfield next to city of Győr last weekend. This was the first acceptable weekend in terms of the weather, so a quickly organised meet-up was held there. We had a couple of memorable flights, and a good company with very few people. We put a small gallery together here about the day. / rchelicopter.hu22 February 2021 -
Video summary of Blades over GyőrFantastic event in Hungary
The Blades over Győr was taken in place in Hungary last weekend. Many pilots turned up at the venue amid the consolidating pandemic situation, what is not a surprise, because the event location is a fantastic place, the weather was sort of nice, and the pilots are having withdrawal symptoms of these events this year. Pilots from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary attended the event. This is the summary of the SRCM - Sokoró R/C Modell KSE uploaded by Nyünnye Légi Földi Video. / rchelicopter.hu13 July 2020 -
Blades over GyörHelicopter fun fly
11 July 2020All RC heli pilots and spectators welcome at the SRCM airfield. Two flight stations, charging station (12-24V and 230V), well equipped clubhouse for the maintenance, toilet, fridge, microwave, coffee machine and camping site. The flight line is equipped with safety fence. / rchelicopter.hu02 July 2020 -
CANCELLED: SRCM Jet meetingGyőr-Sokoró, Hungary
6-7 June 20207th jet model meeting in Hungary. Jet models, airplanes, gliders, helicopters - including scale ones. / rchelicopter.hu28 January 2020 -
Frozen Blades – end season fun flySRCM airfield, tea, greasy bread and many-many flights
One month after the end season fun fly of Halásztelek and its neighbourhood RC Helicopter Group the Sokoró RCM - organised by Krisztián Nagy - invited the interested pilots to an end season fun fly.
Horváth, Miklós23 November 2019 -
SRCM - Sokoró R/C Modell KSEWith one of the best Hungarian airfields
The Sokoró RC Modellers Non-profit Association (SRCM) is a small team, but they are even more determined. The association was founded in April 2007, it has 45 members today.
Horváth, Miklós08 November 2019