Helifest 2018 begins
Weather forecast
Helifest 2018 has begun this morning at 9 o'clock in Weston Park this morning. Many of us is not there yet because of work and so on. However the retailer and sponsor tents are set up, airfield is prepared, judges' tent also there -as align-trex.co.uk published.

Let's see, how the weather forecast shows now. To be honest, it doesn't look so nice as at the beginning of this week. Showers will arrive in the early afternoon today.
Saturday will be the worse. Rain is promised in the morning, later on we expect som gusts as well. Not an ideal flying weather.
Sunday will be mostly cloudy, but less windy than Saturday. The temperature will not be higher than 17-18 °C. So don't forget your jumper at home. Umbrella can be useful also. According to windguru.cz.