New XLPower heli for an old heli?
XLPower just started the heli recycle programme. You can get a brand new XLPower helicopter for a very good price when you recycle your old model from any brand.

Kenny Ko and Nick Maxwell announced the programme started at XLPower. Until end of December you can get 35-40% discount on XLPower models, when you send your old model to the distributor. For example: any nitro model can be exchanged to a new Specter 700V2 Nitro on a very bargain price: instead of 985 USD, the price is 640 USD. But the program includes even the 380 size models: A 380 model can be exchanged to a new Protos 380.
This is how XLPower tries to refresh the market, and how the company tries to engage RC heli pilots struggling to buy new models instead of the old ones. As they stated:
If you are interested, contact an XLPower dealer for the details:
- In the EU: Helicoach
- In the UK: AT Models or Hely-shop
- In the USA: Cajun Aircraft
- In Australia: Mick Dee / Rapid Helis
The full list of the dealers is available on the XLPower website.