SAB Iconic Goblins to be shipped in days
As a new year's surprise SAB Heli Division announced just before the end of 2022 that they wanted to bring three iconic SAB Goblin helicopters back in production. These models were the very first Green Goblin 700, the Goblin Black Thunder and the Goblin Black Nitro.

It did not take too long and these models are back indeed. SAB reported yesterday, the 50-50-50 kits of each model are almost done and will be shipped next week. As these are limited series, each kit will have its own unique serial number badge and there won't be more. However, spare parts of these models are also back in production.

The kits are listed on the Goblin Helicopter website, also some SAB retailers listed the models. The SG700-23 Goblin 700 Iconic Edition is $1100, the SG713-23 Goblin Black Nitro Iconic Edition is also $1100, whilst the SG714-23 Goblin 700 Black Thunder is $1000. All three models are listed for €1100 at Area-51 RC and can be ordered even now.