Align TB70 prices in the UK just announced
Pre-orders of the new Align TB70 are about to open in the UK shortly after the retail prices were published. These prices in the UK are surprisingly much better than the originally expected numbers. Major retailers are taking pre-orders.
The new Align TB70 Top Combo (RH70E52XT) will be £1599.99, and the Align TB70 Super Combo (RH70E56XT) will be available for £1359.99 including taxes. The Align TB70 Kit (RH70E61X) will not be introduced in its original form in the UK. The kit version of the TB70 will be a split down Super Combo version. So, this actually makes it cheaper for customers that it would if it was the kit version from Align. Initial stocks will be very limited.
As a reminder: the TB70 Top Combo is offered for $1888.99 in the US, and it will cost €2109.89 in the EU. The TB70 Super combo is $1599.99 in the US, the EU price is €1936.95. Obviously US prices exclude, whilst EU and UK prices include taxes.
The difference between the Top Combo and the Super Combo is not that big: the Super Combo has 23T pinion and 130A ESC with a 490kV 850MX motor, the top combo is more powerful with a 22T pinion, a 200A ESC and a 540 kV 850MX motor.
Major retailers, ATModels, Hely-shop and Midland Helicopters are taking pre-orders already.