rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
11 January 2023

RC Helicopter Richard on rchelicopterhub.com

Please welcome RC Helicopter Richard - Richard van Aken - at rchelicopterhub.com. Richard and we at rchelicopterhub.com decided to start a new partnership.

RC Helicopter Richard on rchelicopterhub.com
Richard van Aken - RC Helicopter Richard

Richard has been creating great training materials for RC helicopter enthusiasts for more than 8 years, and we believe so, these materials deserve a larger publicity for the benefit of all RC helicopter pilots. And this is why we decided to enter into a cooperation.

These materials created by Richard will be published on this website and even on the Hungarian edition at rchelicopter.hu from now on. You can find all of them in the Beginners zone and the list will grow by the time.