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29 November 2022

NMP Dual glow plug engine head

Nick Maxwell introduces this modification to O.S. 1.05 engines, this is the MaxxGlo 1.05. This is a redesigned engine head with two glow plugs fitting on both standard and DRS O.S. 1.05 engines providing better performance for the current 3D flying styles.

NMP Dual glow plug engine head

The modification can provide faster throttle responses in all RPM ranges in combination with smoother running, it gives more consistent idle running with better governor performance as it's promised by NMP. Various glow plug configurations possible with plugs 5, 7 or 8 and their combinations depending the circumstances and conditions given.

No electronic modification is required only one plug has to be connected to the started during the fire up, then as the engine gets warm, the second plug starts holding the glow too. 

The head costs 120 USD (excl. taxes) at NMP

Instruction manual can be downloaded from here.