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05 January 2021

No model flying in England
RC models affected everywhere in the UK

England is now in another national lockdown since midnight, which affects even the model flying. The new rules published on the GOV.UK website are quite specific and clear, as the fixed penalty charge of £200 when breaking the rules.

No model flying in England

People in England permitted to leave their homes for quite specific reasons only including exercise, however model flying in legal terms counts as recreational and leisure activity rather than exercise and as per now the second one is not exempt from the banned activities. 

If the reason above is not enough, the law declares that 

Outdoor sports venues, including tennis courts, golf courses and swimming pools, must close

which includes model airfields too, those must close by immediate effect. Also travelling and leaving local area to exercise is not permitted except there is no open space (such as parks, beaches, grounds, playgrounds, public gardens) available in the nearby, and no other alternative than travelling there. 

All these rules together are clearly point out that outdoor model flying is not possible legally in England now.

All rules are published on the GOV.UK website...


Scotland is mainly in national lockdown as well as England with very similar rules, model flying activity is affected similarly. The regulations declare that 

local outdoor recreation, sport or exercise, walking, cycling, golf, or running that starts and finishes at the same place (which can be up to 5 miles from the boundary of your local authority area) as long as you abide by the rules on meeting other households

are legal reasons to leave homes, which - by our understanding - includes model flying as well.

Some islands are still in Phase 3, where the non-contact sport activities (including model flying) is declarative permitted.

Further details are available on the website of the Scottish Government...


Model flying in Wales is not permitted in Wales at the moment - as we understand. The local rules define that exercise is the only legal reason in Phase 4, and they assume physical activities, like jogging, walking. Although the definitions are not so specific, model flying as exercise can be questioned and fined.

All rules are published here...      

Northern Ireland

Rules are clear and obvious at the moment: model flying is not a legal reason to leave from home. 

Only individual or household outdoor exercise is permitted. Physical activity such as walking, running, cycling, horse riding, or just walking the dog, bring many health benefits.

Learn more about Northern Ireland restrictions here...