Azure Power in 380 class
New blades on their way
New blades arrive from Azure Power for the 380 class. The new AZ385 blades were unveiled yesterday by Azure Power. With these blades the company enters the smaller classes after the 550-700 categories.

The blades are not available on the Azure Power website yet, although, the first photos in use have already appeared on the Internet.

The company promises high performance optimised for 3D flying which will be created by the unique design and precisely set CG. The new, 385mm blades suit for 380 class helicopters, like the XLPower Protos 380, SAB Goblin 380 or the Align T-Rex 470L models. The price is unknown at the moment, it is expected to be in the mid-higher range due to their quality and based on the prices of bigger blades.