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20 May 2020

New components in AccuRC
2.0.13 includes the upgrades

AccuRC announced many new components for the simulator including new blades, ESCs and the Maskpro canopies for the XLPower Specter 700 as well. The components are available in the Alpha version and they will arrive with the 2.0.13 version update after the testing phase.

All users flying in the Alpha version - which also available on Steam - can try the new components out. Production release and Beta users have to wait a bit longer until the public community testing will be finished, then all components will be available for them too.

New accessories

  • Specter Maskpro Kan Poonnoi edition canopy
  • Specter Maskpro Green canopy
  • Specter Maskpro Pink canopy
  • Specter Stock Orange canopy
  • Chance Hsu BE720S blades
  • Chance Hsu BE620S blades 
  • Scorpion HKII-4525-520 motor
  • Scorpion Tribunus 14-200 ESC
  • Scorpion Tribunus 12-130  ESC

It is also heard, however, the products are not available in the Alpha version either: XPERT KD1/T/E servos will be available as part of this planned release. Hopefully the servos get in the Alpha version in the next few days. 

There's no official release date announced - when they are ready to go, AccuRC will release them in version 2.0.13 with no hesitation. If you have no AccuRC yet, test the Demo version on your computer, then you can acquire your licence from the AccuRC website. 

New components in AccuRC

  • Specter Maskpro Kan Poonnoi edition canopy
  • Specter Maskpro Pink canopy
  • Specter Maskpro Green canopy
  • Specter Stock Orange canopy
  • Scorpion Tribunus 14-200 ESC and HKII-4252-520 motor
  • Scorpion Tribunus 12-130  ESC
  • Chance Hsu BE720S blades
  • Chance Hsu BE620S blades