Egodrift weekend - The Battle
Instead of Rotor Live
Unfortunate, but Rotor Live is now cancelled. But the Team Egodrift was prepared and we decided so in cooperation with Egodrift, we will bring you the Rotor Live feeling online. This weekend the Team Egodrift will be flying to you guys, and we will report from the scene....

To be honest, since Rotor Live has published the post about evaluating the event cancellation yesterday afternoon, we began to think on a plan B with Egodrift to moderate the damage caused by the cancellation. We wanted you all to have the Egodrift feeling on the weekend. The original plan was an open event to all visitors interested, but in the evening it was clear, if Rotor Live will be cancelled, we cannot make an open event either due to the same reason.
However, we will provide you everything online. So stay with us, follow us, because we will have many interesting information and even more on the website and on our channels, and you will not miss THE BATTLE either with Kan Poonnoi and the Egodrift pilots. We are working hard on the details....
More to follow...