What to know about Rotor Live 2020
Details about the big German show
Rotor Live 2020 - it will be taken in place in less than two weeks. If you haven't decided yet, you will be there, here are the reasons, why you must not miss it.
The Rotor Live is a very interesting event always. And this is one of the biggest ones - if not the biggest one. It is focusing on helicopters only, but covers all types within the sector. Big companies are announcing and presenting the new plans and models for the year in Iffezheim.
Major helicopter manufacturing companies, like SAB, Mikado, Heli-Professional, XLPower will be represented at the venue as well as other brands, like Xnovamotors, KST Servos, ManiaX, Egodrift. And even retailers, like our partner Helicoach will present themselves. And not to mention, but the scale helicopter flying is widely demonstrated in Iffezheim by Vario, HeliClassics and other well known companies. The HeliClassics is a great company for the fans of Russian military helicopters, because we expect to see Kamov and Mil-Mi 8/17, 24 models there.
The Rennbahn Iffezheim is hosting the venue this year again. The building is 4 storey building will be full.
On the ground floor model exhibition of giant scale models and local clubs will be hosted, the first floor is for the scale flying mainly, like HeliClassics and Vario, and companies like Mikado and Kontronik are also situated here. The RC simulators are located on this level in representation by other companies, or in case of AccuRC, the company itself will demonstrate the simulator.
Second floor will host the rest of the companies - including SAB by World-of-Heli, Heli-Professional, KST, Xnovamotors, ManiaX and finally but last Egodrift. Tronhelicopters, the new brand will be introduced here at Rotor Live. Also Miniature Aircraft will be presented.
Third floor is the catering level with hot food, cold beer.
All levels have their own visitor balcony, which provide perfect places to follow the flights.
Ground floor
Heli-Factory, DMFV Aero, DMFV Ausstellung
First floor
BGC Aero, Alterbaum Premium Helicopter, HeliClassics, DAeC/MFSD, CAPTRON / bavarianDEMON, Hacker Motor, The Art of flying / Sven Hartman, PSG-Dynamics, SMG Helischule, Scaleflying.de, Vario Helicopters, Helikopter Baumann, Acroworld / XLPOWER, Freakware, SpinBlades, Sorotec GmbH, Gensace / Tattu Lipos, Mikado, Helicoach by Keven Schautz, AccuRC Precision Simulator, Kontronik
Second floor
Egodrift, ACT Europe, Helischule Gonzalez / Heli-X, World-of-Heli / SAB Germany, KST-Servos, YGE, Xnovamotors, Miniature Aircraft USA, Tronhelicopters, Muldental Elektronik, Caruso & Freeland, RC-Hangar 15, Savox, Mylipo, Bastler-Zentrale, Pichler, Heli-Professional, Live-Hobby, ManiaX Power, Fm-electronics, MTTEC Helicoach
If Rotor Live then 3D competition as well. The competition is running in a knock-out system. Pilots are competing with each other in couples, the better one gets into the next round. The first round is known now, pilots were announced last week.
The first round will be:
- Dunkan Bossion - Christoph Sartorius
- Sakkarin CD Kongthon - Lukas Bißlich
- Fabian Kloss - Pascal Lipke
- Kan Poonnoi - Robin Lipke
- Rasmus Jakobsen - Andrei Tripolt
- Marcel Döring - Marik Wiehenstroth
- Marius Gehle - Steven Bätzer
- Lukas Dinger - Stu Smith
RCHELICOPTERHUB.com at Rotor Live in cooperation with Egodrift
We will be at the venue all weekend long as last year. But this year: Thanks to the support of Egodrift, we will report much more, we will have exclusive contents from the scene.
More details to follow....