Kyle Dahl: the proposed Remote ID
The most chilled opinion about the current FAA process
Kyle Dahl posted on his Facebook page just now his opinion about the current situation in the hobby which is caused by the FAA Remote ID proposals and the commenting phase. Many of the RC modellers bury the hobby already, whilst nothing happened yet.

No doubt, if the plan becomes reality, that will be a huge impact on the hobby. But this is just a draft apparently. The commenting period ends tomorrow, on 3rd of March, if you have no say yet, here's the time to do so, but nothing has got finalised yet, it is too early to lose the temper.
Kyle posted his toughs about it, and it's so clear and well written, it would be a crime to change or quote sentences only. The whole post:
If you have not done this please don't hesitate to do it!! Your comment will help and make an impact! I am putting the link to the comment page below. It is not difficult to do.…/remote-identification-of-…
In any case and any decision by the FAA this is by no means the end of our hobby. All of these proposed regulations might not take effect, might get modified, and even wont take effect for several years. Even in the case that they do get put in effect then we will adapt and overcome and our hobby will go on!
If you want to learn more about the Proposed Regulations then I am attaching some links to videos which I watched which helped inform me about "Remote ID". If you are passionate about our hobby then please take the time to watch them and then comment to the FAA!
Damon Atwood - The end is not near
Bobby Watts - The Hobby got Screwed