Global 3D 2020 - dates changed
Competition to be hold at a different location
The change just announced: Global 3D is forced to change the location and the scene as well. New dates: 26-28 June, 2020. This is not so good news for more pilots and events as well in Europe, which are organised to this major event.

The land owner decided to rent the area out for horse events only in 2020, therefore the Global 3D has to move. The new location in the nearby can host the event a week earlier only. Although the location is different, Global 3D organiser, Walter Robijns promise that, this place offers better facilities and better environment than the previous one.
It is assumed, the change will generate more problems and even conflicts, as more events organised to the major competition in Venlo. Among others, this is the weekend when the Duel Format Competition will be taken in place in the United Kingdom, where more pilots (even Global 3D pilots) registered already, and the organiser is Jason Platts, one of the main judges of Global 3D in 2019.
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