Good bye Align T-Rex 100
Discontinued officially
The only fixed pitch Align helicopter is retired now. There were obvious signs as the shops don't stock it anymore, but this information wasn't announced before. The recommended model is the T-Rex 150 but that helicopter is quite different.

The Align Corporation has confirmed to us, the T-Rex 100 is now discontinued. The Align doesn't plan to release any fixed pitch helicopter, they recommend to purchase the T-Rex 150 in order to the size. However that helicopter is way more expensive, and it's based on different principals, because that is a real RC helicopter rather than a toy, like this model. The T-Rex 150 is a collective pitch model.
The T-Rex 100 was a long running model without any significant upgrades. The original version was introduced in 2010 and it has got released in 2011. The upgrade version, the T-Rex 100X with longer tail and different main shaft got available about a year later. Since then there wasn't any change until the end of the production.
The Align Corporation informed us, even the spare parts are not produced anymore, spare parts are available as the stock lasts.