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01 November 2019

RCHELICOPTER.HU Insight report
October 2019 - impressing numbers

We look back time to time to see where we came from, where we are currently. And we have created our insight report with numbers, results and our achievements. Here is the revision of our impact on the RC helicopter hobby in detail.

RCHELICOPTER.HU Insight report

A report has been released in PDF format containing the key figures and key information about the websites and our activities. This document can be downloaded below. When we created this document, we analysed the data available about our performance and we were surprised by few of them.

Brief of our websites

RCHELICOPTERHU.UK launched about 18 months ago. The first year was about introducing the website, making it more popular. It was a real experiment. Its sibling site, the RCHELICOPTER.HU is 9 this year, therefore the basics weren't unknown, however that website is running close to the possible maximum level, as there are no more Hungarian speaking visitors available. 

RCHELICOPTERHU.UK is an independent English website with much bigger targeted community, and we are still at the beginning. We have reported from four major European events at the venues this year, we introduced more helicopters, and we believe few of the models are popular because of us as well. 

We established really good connections with companies, like Egodrift, XLPower, Heli-Professional, Tarot, ManiaX and even SAB, and not to forget AccuRC. We are supporting model shops like Hely-shop, ATModels, soXos Australia and we are cooperating with other companies time to time. But our aim is to widen the range of these companies making our websites less biased, and the modellers can profit from it at the end of the day.

We recorded about 1TB media since the RCHELICOPTERHU. UK has launched, 700GB got recorded just in the last 12 months. We have launched our Facebook page, we transferred the Twitter channel from the Hungarian site to the English one, because Twitter is not so popular in Hungary. And we are running our Instagram and Pinterest channels as well, although they are not well propagated yet. Our Youtube channel is shared between the two websites.

Current position and the numbers

We were surprised when we saw the results. More than 100,000 page loads in a year, 40,000 watched videos all together, over 31,000 hits seen from us in search results in the last month. Thanks to our media library, our images are in all RC helicopter related search results. 

Our Facebook community is growing rapidly. When we created the insight report, we had 4500 followers, at the moment this number is over 7600. Our posts are seen 15-16,000 times weekly. 25% react to our posts. At the moment we have more followers than any similar and active media platforms (including print media). We have 3,000 more followers than Rotor, 4000 more followers than RotorCraze.com and 6,000 more followers than RotorWorld. More people follow our Facebook page than Mikado USA, Xnovamotors, Egodrift, Heli-Professional, BK, BK Servo, Lynx Heli Innovations, Synergy R/C, Kontronik, HobbyWing, AccuRC, NeXt and so on. Twice as much people follow us than the entire RC Heli Hangout Facebook group, which means our impact on the hobby is significant. 

RCHELICOPTERHU.UK is followed from more than 50 countries on regular basis, and we have visitors from 130 countries time to time. 

There are more than 300 search query expressions when our average position is in the top 10, RCHELICOPTERHU.UK will show up on the first page just in Google. Other search engines like Bing or Yahoo are similar, and our images are shown in almost all RC helicopter related search results on Bing.

Surprisingly almost half of our visitors are ladies, less surprisingly the majority of the visitors are younger than 45. Also surprising one third of our visitors are opening the website directly. Only 38% percent of our traffic is originated from social media platforms.

Our understanding

Social media, especially Facebook is overrated, although important part of all activities. Facebook is working for short term and reaches fewer people than a website publication. This is because the number of the posts is incredibly high, and most people don't scroll over more than 20-25. When a post is older, the very complicated selection algorhythms will select it to show with lower chance - except if the post is enough popular, has got enough likes and emotions to be regarded interesting. Or the other option is a sponsored post, but a page has to have many followers, otherwise the targeting has to be really accurate.

Facebook posts unlikely will show in search results. This is because of the ranking algorhythms used by search engines, a post simply cannot be ranked enough relevant due to the lack of the technical requirements. This is why Facebook works for days, weeks then the message is gone.

Forums are too fragmented to contain enough relevant information to a search, the information will be lost there. The only sufficient option in longer term is being presented on a platform, which contains enough relevant and structured information with all the requirements of the search engines. This is RCHELICOPTER.HU. It happens uncounted times, when we have written about something once, it will appear among the top hits in search engines - and we don't use any tricky solutions.

If you are a retailer or a manufacturer, you need our platform and we are happy to help you. Let's keep the hobby alive together.

Our future

We are planning few major changes next to many minor ones. We are planning new services and reduce one. But it is too early to talk about these changes, because they are still in planning phase.

As a minor change we will re-balance the content structure and we will try to be more technical, more personal dealing with people more. Also we are planning to deal with scale modelling more. But these changes require cooperation as well, therefore we would really appreciate any help in these changes. 

As the time went by, we had to realise that we are moving slowly from a hobby level platform to a more professional one, and sadly this is also visible by the costs, which demands a bit more business oriented approach as well. Our aim originally was not to use any advertising platforms within the pages, but this decision had to be reconsidered and integration of an advertising platform will be required as well, because the costs are increasing.

Our plan is increasing the number of our close relations to companies to provide even more accurate and fresher information about the changes in the hobby, to react faster to all news. This can help to the less popular or smaller manufacturers and shops to be better advertised delivering key information to a wider community. It's easy to reach wider audience through us as we target the whole community and beyond, ordinary people, whilst other platforms can reach way smaller range, as they are followed by people interested in a particular topic. 

It's time to get familiar with the strength and potentials of RCHELICOPTERHU.UK and RCHELICOPTER.HU. Download the PDF and act now.

Insight report at October, 2019. Our results, numbers and background data about our activities.