SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro Conversion Kit
H1253-K: The story of SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro
As it is more or less known, SAB took the idea of Scott Graham, and the SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro turned into a real product. The conversion kit was announced under the H1253-K item number, and it has got the full support of SAB including the manufacturing and product support as well.

It has started as an experiment, a personal project. It was the dream of Scott Graham, then it became so fascinating, more and more people wanted to get Scott Graham's dream. Like a fairy tale, how a great idea, a dream gets real.

As Scott informed us, the SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro conversion kit is slightly different from Scott's original design, but this is just for the better look and feel and some weight saving. The original idea was proven already, the only crash was a mistake and not a technical failure.
We have got some questions for Scott Graham about the Kraken Nitro, we was going to know more about the story. Scott answered to all our questions, here is the Kraken Nitro story, what you wanted to know.

Q&A answered by Scott Graham
How did you get the idea of the Kraken Nitro?
As soon as it came out I was hoping there was a nitro version because I have always loved nitro. My friend Michael “Shaggy” Parker posted a doodle of the Kraken with a pipe and smoke trail and that kind of set the idea into motion to make my own. It wasn’t until XFC this year when I got to look at Paul Andreoli’s Krakens up close to really see what would be involved in the conversion and how simple it would actually be.
What was the most difficult problem to be solved?
The most difficult problem was the belt tensions, making sure that the engine belt and the tail belt have adequate travel in the bolt slots in order to have both belts within tension with different gear ratios. I recommend running the 26T pinion though for best results.
How did the SAB take your idea, and they turned it into a product?
SAB USA spoke with me after the Mowdown event in Virginia and they agreed to help me bring this idea to market. It was definitely the best option because with full SAB support the kit will be well received. I also love the changes SAB did when their designers added their SAB touch to it. They went ahead and packaged all needed components and produced a digital instruction manual for the conversion. In typical SAB fashion, they went over and above to make sure this kit is something to be desired.

Did they change anything compared to your original design?
They updated the frame looks to reflect less of a black nitro design style to a more of a “Kraken” look and feel along with making some tweaks to better improve assembly and some weight savings.
Do they keep the side label (designed and crashed...)?
This was only done on AccuRC sim. The original never had that in the files. It was more of a tongue in cheek joke with Jonas over at AccuRC. It was a good laugh. I appreciate what those guys did for me at AccuRC. They are a good bunch of people.

And how did the model get in simulators, like NeXt and AccuRC?
I am pleased that both sims support my creation. I am thrilled to have that. Regardless of how the files made their way into each sim, having both sims support the conversion means more people get to try out the nitro Kraken. That brings me great joy on its own.
Is this the first time - by your knowledge - when SAB takes such a big idea of someone else and turns into an official product?
I’m actually not sure, but I am very glad they took the idea and ran with it. In the end the only reason I went through with this project was because I wanted there to be a nitro Kraken. I have no interest in profit or sales or anything of that nature. I want people to fly nitro. The more people we have flying nitro, the better chances we have to keep nitro fuel and nitro support alive. There was a movement a while back called “Keep RC Helis Alive” but I feel as though that is no longer as much of a concern as “Keep Nitro Helis Alive” because I don’t see helis as a whole disappearing any time soon. The hobby has made a fairly solid comeback from what I’ve observed since returning to the hobby in 2017. It might not be at the levels it was at in 2013/2014, but it has reached to a healthy sustainable state now with more than a few pilots returning to the hobby and new pilots joining on a regular basis. I’d like to keep the interest in nitro going and help get new pilots excited about this style of model.
The kit will be available in the United States earlier, all the SAB USA/BK Hobbies, the AMain Hobbies and the Only Fine Helis are receiving pre orders for the H1253-K SAB Goblin Kraken Nitro conversion Kit. The kit will be $389 (tax not included). Expected delivery in mid November.
As we know, the first shop in the United Kingdom listing the conversion kit is the Midland Helicopters. The pre-order price is £388.99 (including taxes), however the price is subject to change. Delivery promised in December. When this article was published we could not find the kit anywhere else among our partners.