Full Pitch Fun Fly
Incredible success in the first year
This is the first year when the Full Pitch Fun Fly was taken in place following the history of White Horse Fun Fly. Rob Bingham and his team achieved an unbelievable success with this first one.

As it is known, the land of White Horse Fun Fly is turning into a development area, so there wasn't any chance to organise the famous White Horse Fun Fly again. This is why Rob Bingham decided to find an alternative location in the nearby, and this is why they have changed the name as well. Beginning something new is risky, but this event went really well.

Perhaps it is not exaggeration to declare, the first Full Pitch Fun Fly was even better. The number of pilots and attendees was incredible, especially considering that this is a Fun Fly "only". When we counted the cars (including the camper vans) Sunday afternoon - when few people were gone already - the number was above 80. Three flight stations a huge and ideal flight line were set, and even the weather supported the event.

The number of sponsors was also nice. Thanks to Midland Helicopters, Coolice, AT Models, Hely-shop, Hobby Hangar, Mikado Model Helicopters, 360RC Technologies, SupraX, Optifuel/Optipower, Synergy R/C Helicopters, Soxos by Heli-Professional, Scorpion , SAB Heli Division, XLPower, Egodrift and Spin Blades, Rob and his team could deliver one of the best events to all.

The raffle prices have been various including Soxos Strike 7 helicopter kit, an XLPower Protos 380 helicopter kit, an SAB Goblin 380 kit, many rotor blades, fuel, vouchers, baseball hats, Egodrift motors and many-many other things.
People haven't been seen for a long time turned up, and almost all known UK pilots were flying there. The four day long weekend has to be in everybody's calendar next year.