First anniversary of
English edition of celebrates the first birthday
English edition of has started a year ago, on 27th of May. The first year of the website was interesting, thank you all for your support, we could not make it without you. Many things happened to us, we collected few key data and facts.

We launched the website on 27th of May, 2018 in the evening hours. was born around 11 o'clock. The first article went live at 11:14PM. But how was the story? What happened to us in the year passed? A short summary of our memories.
The sibling site:
The original edition of was launched in 2010 just days before the 3rd Proxima Cup, an RC helicopter competition in Hungary. The website was running more or less updated in Hungarian for 8 years with no serious changes or technology updates. But it was inevitable to rebuild and refurbish as it wasn't compatible with modern devices.

It took more than a year to get convinced and make a final decision, there was the real demand to do it in English as well, so we decided to make it. However instead of making in English, we wanted to make a similar however a more or less independent website based on the original experiences.
Next to the refurbishment of, development of the English edition also started. The refurbished went live almost two weeks earlier, on 16th of May.
The first year
It took about a month to get it more popular. First milestone was the SAB open day, where the SAB Goblin Kraken was announced, we reported about it - with the help of Simone Zunterer, thanks to her for helping us.

Then event by event, article by article the website got more known. We reported about Helifest, 3D Championship, Heliwood, Rotor Live 2019. We followed the story of SAB Goblin Kraken, reporting about all key events and information.
We also promoted XLPower and the their helicopters. We helped Heli-Professional and their soXos DB7 and soXos Strike 7 stories. And we still try to help all companies deserve it. The only thing they have to do for it is contacting us, and telling us:
This is how it happened to AccuRC. They contacted us, we talked about it and we keep talking about it. This is how we help them as much as we can. And of course because the product is good.
We have some principals:
- Never to lie about a product
- Never to support copycats and clone products
- To be fair to all who are fair to the community
We reported about many team joiners, problems, know-hows, regulations, sad news, good news, about 500 times all together. We have got more than 50 thousand page loads, which exceeds 600 thousand with the Hungarian one all together. The number of the monthly visitors on the two sites is between 5000-10000. Facebook activities also increase on daily basis.
Thank you guys, we honour your trust and we improve constantly. We plan more services and changes on the websites this year as well. Just follow us, follow our Facebook, Youtube, Instagram channels and we will tell you more.