F3N League Competition No. 1.
Final results
F3N League Competition was held today at the Gliding Centre, Husbands Bosworths Airfield near to Lutterworth, Leicestershire. The weather was more than ideal, however the sunshine caused some disruption in the late afternoon to the pilots.
In the second set manoeuvre round Callum Henson and Duncan Osbourn had some zero results due to the sunlight. But everybody could finish all four rounds with results. The final results in order:
1st set manoeuvre
Raw scoreNormalised
1. Duncan Osbourn3710.51000
2. Dave Fisher3140846.24
3. Callum Henson2965.5799.21
4. Summer Fisher2231.5601.4
5. George Isaacs1983534.42
6. Rachel Plant1939522.57
7. Yunjia Zou1001269.77
Raw scoreNormalised
1. Duncan Osbourn4791000
2. Callum Henson441920.66
3. Dave Fisher430897.70
4. Summer Fisher368768.26
5. George Isaacs345720.25
6. Rachel Plant334697.28
7. Yunjia Zou320668.05
2nd set manoeuvre
Raw scoreNormalised
1. Dave Fisher3250.51000
2. Duncan Osbourn3172.5976
3. Summer Fisher2320.5713.89
4. Callum Henson2191.5674.2
5. George Isaacs2039627.28
6. Rachel Plant1897.5583.75
7. Yunjia Zou766235.65
Fly to music
Raw scoreNormalised
1. Duncan Osbourn5181000
2. Callum Henson493.5952.7
3. Dave Fisher480926.64
4. Summer Fisher405781.85
5. Yunjia Zou388749.03
6. George Isaacs376.5726.83
7. Rachel Plant337650.57
Next competition will be on 19th of May at Deeside Model Aircraft Club.