Kenny Ko chooses Egodrift Team
Hong-Kong motor company welcomes a new team pilot
Just announced by Egodrift on Facebook, Kenny Ko has chosen Egodrift motors in his helicopters, so one of the best pilots of the world, winner of Global 3D last year is flying with the power provided by Egodrift from now.

The announcemend was published at Egodrift Facebook page. It is not surprising to be honest, because Kenny has joined to Team XLPower, as we reported it this Sunday, and the company offers Egodrift motors to the XLPower helicopters. So it was quite obvious, this moment will come sooner or later, now it is happened. Many exciting news around these great companies and Kenny Ko, and March is not over yet.
Get used to that, Kenny Ko, XLPower and Egodrift will be in the same sentence more and more times in the future.