F3C / F3N World Cup - Day 2
Cancelled simply
Yes, the second day has been cancelled finally due to severe weather conditions. Which means it was impossible to fly in that gust and rain. Therefore the preliminary results remain final results as we reported yesterday.

It's still raining more or less since yesterday evening. The morning weather did match the minimal conditions for safe flying at all. Windspeed was over 30-35 mph sometimes blowing the rain horizontally. Lighting conditions were the same: terrible. Therefore the organisers decided to cancel the second day and announced yesterday results as final results. Obviously F3C got in the same place, which was held in parallel with F3N in Buckminster.

Almost everybody left Buckminster by 12 o'clock. Few enthusiasts remained there waiting for a bit better weather, which hasn't arrived until 3PM. The gusts remained, but stopped raining at least. As we think, this decision of organisers was a wise judgement of the current situation, weather became good for fun fly but it was absolutely useless for competitions all day long.