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27 May 2018

SAB Italy
Grand Opening Day ... and something else

Grand Opening Day was kept yesterday in Italy, San Mauro Pascoli, where many famous pilots attended among many others. Including but not limited: Bert Kammerer, Kyle Stacy and Simone Zunterer. Thanks to them, we can show some photos taken at the event.

SAB Italy
Something is covered there / Photo: Simone Zunterer

And as it can seen on these pictures, SAB has presented its brand new modell: Goblin Kraken 700. A full black helicopter with astonishing appearance, which is a fully rethought machine as it's usual by SAB.

It looks amazing, however the full black appearance can scare many of pilots, mostly whom like fly colourful bright helicopters for the better sight. This helicopter is not for them indeed.

SAB Italy

  • This is the Gobln Kraken
  • Crowd at the Grand Opening Day
  • Before the revealing
  • Something is happening...
  • SAB
  • The newest SAB rotorhead
  • Goblin Kraken
  • This is what to know about the helicopter so far