Ra Kabun took off with RC helicopter in 2007, then joined to Align to work with China Branch where he got familiar with all RC helicopter related processes from the maintenance and setup, through teaching techniques and by the time customising and tuning helicopters. Few years later in 2011 he won the 3DX China contest in Expert category, then more results followed, like Hong-Kong Fun Fly.

XLPower was established as a model shop, then it turned int its own brand making professional performance helicopters. XLPower is now a growing manufacturer with better-known fame. The helicopters made by XLPower are light but durable aircrafts thanks to the materials used and the precise and brave design. Tiny things make the helicopters good, like markings on the rotor grips and the hub to make the leveling easier, or the simple structure resulting easier maintenance and set up.
XLPower offers bigger size helicopters. The helicopters measured by the blade length as it's traditional now. Three sizes available at the moment: 520, 550 and 700. All fly well, they compete the other known brands. All XLPower helicopters well recommended.