August5 910:00 17:00 Wednesday Sunday
IRCHA Jamboree 2020
The IRCHA Jamboree offers you the chance to meet companies and pilots from all over the world. The IRCHA Jamboree is our one chance each year to spend time with an all helicopter crowd at the best flying facility in the world.

Come and enjoy a week of late nights, early mornings, electric, nitro, turbine, and some incredible flying. We are helicopters, We are the IRCHA Jamboree.
All details, pre-registration and many useful info (like hotels in the nearby) on the site of IRCHA...
Event location
Bing Map: { coordinates = 40.176764, -85.325502, pinTitle = IRCHA, pinSubTitle = , infoBoxTitle = IRCHA Jamboree 2020, infoBoxDescription = 5161 E Memorial Dr, Muncie, IN 47302, United States, zoomLevel = }