rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
08 April 2019
  • April
    09:00 17:00 Sunday

F3N League Competition No. 1
Husbands Bosworths Airfield

Everyone welcome to our first F3N competition of the year.

F3N League Competition No. 1

Entries opened in March 2019 (pre-entry essential) and still open. Entry £20 seniors / £15 for juniors (aged 18 & under) payable on the day.

NOTE: all pilots must be members of the AHA (Association of Helicopter Aerosports)

Further details at the event page

Event Location

Bing Map: { coordinates = 52.440967, -1.048331, pinTitle = Husbands Boswords Airfield, pinSubTitle = , infoBoxTitle = The Glinding Centre, infoBoxDescription = Harborough, LE17 6JJ, zoomLevel = }