rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
02 April 2022
  • October
    8 9
    09:00 17:00 Saturday Sunday

Charmouth 2022 Fun Fly
Charmouth, United Kingdom

SCALE, F3C, F3N, SPORT, BEGINNER: Whatever helicopter you fly and whatever skill level you are, come along for a weekend of flying and fun. There's lots to do in the local area for those family members not interested in model flying.

Charmouth 2022 Fun Fly

Charmouth is the longest running funfly in the UK. Run twice a year by the AHA, it is a great opportunity for helicopter pilots from all disciplines and club/sport flyers to get together. See below for more information.

£10 on the day or pre-book for weekend at £15.

For more information visit the AHA website.

Event Location

Bing Map: { coordinates = 50.729739, -2.990200, pinTitle = Trinity Hlll, pinSubTitle = Flying site, infoBoxTitle = Charmouth Fun Fly 2019, infoBoxDescription = EX13 8SZ Combpyne Axminster, zoomLevel = }