rchelicopterhub.com / rchelicopter.hu
08 April 2019
  • August
    24 26
    09:00 15:00 Saturday Monday

BMFA Nationals
And F3N League competition No. 4, 2nd Round Team Trials

RAF Barkston Heath TBC - Entries for this competition have to be made via the BMFA.

BMFA Nationals

Entry forms normally available to download from June onwards. Heli B certificate required in order to compete.

Further information available at the event page

Event Location

Bing Map: { coordinates = 52.962220, -0.561670, pinTitle = RAF Barkston Heath, pinSubTitle = , infoBoxTitle = BMFA Nationals, infoBoxDescription = Barkston, Grantham NG32 3PZ, zoomLevel = }